Thursday, 12 December 2013

A New Era . . . .

First prints up for sale in The Corner Gallery
It's still very early days for me in terms of creating prints to actually sell to the general public, but this week has seen a great opportunity come my way! My prints are now on sale at The Corner Gallery, Queens Road, Sheffield.

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about this new venture! Until only recently, I was just a customer who frequented this amazing little gallery based in the Sheffield Antiques Corner. Now I can go and see my work up on the wall alongside an abundance of very talented local artists - it feels great!

So, like me, if you're still struggling for Xmas presents for your loved ones, I can certainly recommend a trip down to The Corner Gallery where that perfect little gift could be waiting for you (especially on the wall at the top of the stairs!)

Check out the Galleries website to see the plethora of talent on show - it truly is a great little space!

To find out more, click here The Corner Gallery

Wish me luck!

